Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Westward Bound

    So, in the next few weeks I will be visiting my parents in New Mexico for our yearly trip. I cant wait to be there! New Mexico has become this amazing escape in which I can take a long reprieve from my routine and social endeavors. Its beautiful landscape, amazing foods and its general New Mexico time frame (extremely laid back and loose), has been a second home for me for the past 7 years. I foresee this trip being somewhat different geographically than the rest. My folks have already encountered the side effects of the fire's that have been raging in Arizona and the highest recorded drought in the New Mexico's history.
 Given my investment as a photographer, documenting the landscape of my families land and the surroundings of the West, I have a feeling that this years groupings of images shall be of a different quality.
Im sure that the natural beauty of the land will be as apparent as previous years, but perhaps there will be this element of foreboding natural calamity that could be added to the mix. My hope's are that these disaster will subside and that nature will repair the damage that has been done, but thats me keeping my fingers crossed. Either way, westward bound here I come! I cant wait.

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